Saturday, September 24, 2011

Apartment Gardens: Container Gardening on Balconies

Blame all these gardening posts on Spring!!!! I can't help but dwell on green things with everything blooming and sprouting like crazy. I will promise to write about personal finance after I get this out of my system ^.^

Before shot of the balcony garden:

Shot of the balcony garden now:

I tells ya, those beautiful blue, ceramic glazed pots are eye wateringly expensive ;_;
But ain't that a pretty sight : ) 

Sixteen days ago - bought some HUGE empty pots:

Over these last two weeks, wild irises were planted into the round one:

And raspberry canes were planted into the squarish, rectangular ones:

Falling in love with succulents:

Even my compost bin has become a germinating machine with mouldy pumpkin seeds and old potting soil that had old marigold seeds start sprouting. Pumpkin seedlings that I had to rescue from my compost bin before they consumed more nitrogen:

Oh yeah, and those are certainly toilet paper rolls used to pot up some of the pumpkin seedlings. Not only is it recycling but it's also going to decompose and add carbon to the soil. All those seedlings in the dunny paper roll can be planted directly into the ground as is.

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